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KEY 4-0-1

The First Light Picture Superscript
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The Keys of Enoch and Metatron – KEY 401

The First Light Picture Superscript

by J.J. Hurtak


The Next Teaching on The Keys of Enoch®, with profound cosmograms, reveals powerful multi-dimensional experiences of how Life is not from happenstance, but evolved from within the Light Code. In fact, the natural cosmophysical phenomena of atoms and subatomic particles all come from this Light Source.

The teaching explains how all intelligences possess the Light encoded from higher realities and other dimensional creations. What we call the natural cosmophysical phenomenon of the universe is a higher encoding from Consciousness reality. All are based on higher Light numina connected with a nonlocal reality. The book provides a greater past, present and future perspective as revealed by Metatron and Enoch that brings together science and spirituality. It also details the Seven Days of Creation and reveals that Human intelligence exists in a sacred cosmophysical spacetime and is directly part of a greater evolutionary memory of Divine Intelligence.


Flexibindung Qualitätsdruck, 144 Seiten

Maximal 2 pro Bestellung.

Gewicht: 0.45 Kg
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30.00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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For additional books in English, please see our English EU or USA site.

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