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Mind Dynamics
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Mind Dynamics in Space and Time

Remote Viewing – A Physicist's Exploration of the Nature and Properties of Consciousness

by Dr. Elizabeth A. Rauscher, Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Dr. Desiree Hurtak


A new look at the power of Mind-over-Matter by one of the top scientists in the world, Dr. Rauscher and additional reports and supporting data by Drs. Hurtak. This is a complete review of the science of “Remote Viewing” showing Stanford Research Institute’s experiments, the “Fundamental Fysics Group (FFG)” and other private research and explorations in the field. Additional chapters also describe how and why Remote Viewing is a reality and the theory behind Rauscher’s famous “Eight Space”.

A good text for students and scientists with its mathematics and illustrations, but anyone can enjoy the book if they are interested in the power of the Mind and future science operating in the twenty-first century.


Gebunden, 686 Seiten. Nur in Englisch.

Gewicht: 1.1 Kg
Frage stellen
50.00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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For additional books in English, please see our English EU or USA site.

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