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The Overself Awakening

The Overself Awakening
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The Overself Awakening – A Guide for the Schoolhouse of the Soul

by Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Dr. Desiree Hurtak


Understanding the importance and role of the Overself is the real starting-point of Ascension teaching.

This illustrated text is ‘breathtaking’ and takes the reader through the important stages of the spiritual Path that we all have the potential to experience. The profound illustrations in the book apply to the schoolhouse of the soul, wherein we learn to assimilate ‘The Keys’ on different levels applying the All-accomplishing Wisdom to achieve Enlightenment.

The book is not just for the individual but bespeaks of the collective changes that the planet will also experience.


Gebunden - 400 Seiten

72 Farbtafeln auf hochwertigem Papier, zahlreiche weitere Abbildungen

Gewicht: 0.95 Kg
Frage stellen
55.00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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