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The Thunder Perfect Mind

The Thunder - Perfect Mind
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The Thunder Perfect Mind

A Coptic Text with Commentary

von Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Dr. Desiree Hurtak


A priceless Christian Coptic text (2nd- 4th century CE) which has a double title involving “Thunder” and “Perfect Mind.” The text is very unusual in that it is a discourse of revelation by a female figure who is never specifically identified. Most scholars in the field of post-New Testament writings propose that the female speaker is to be understood as a combination of the higher and lower Sophia (wisdom) figure found in Gnostic Christian literature. The text points to the special role of the higher feminine understood in the early Christian Coptic Church and should be understood as both a psychological and ecumenical text unveiling all aspects of the feminine principle.

Paperback - A5 Format - 52 Seiten

Gewicht: 0.17 Kg
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15.00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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