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KEY 4-0-4

The Fourth Light Picture Superscript
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The Keys of Enoch and Metatron – KEY 404

The Fourth Light Picture Superscript

by J.J. Hurtak


This is the fourth Key of the 'Last 10 Keys' – information shown to Dr. Hurtak by Enoch and Metatron to further reveal the power of the Hierarchies/Holarchies that are working with us and are behind all of Creation.

The message is how We Are To Reflect the Kingdom in our Lives — which speaks of a realm of Creation that is coded within each of us unfolding the power of supernature. The heavenly realms, from the realms of Atziluth (Emanation) to our realms of Assiah (Action), are based on a blueprint of Divine Thought. The Kingdom introduces us to the Way­showers behind the detailed workings of our universe and requires us to understand the teaching that goes with the words: “Thy Kingdom Come… on Earth as it is in the Heavens!“

The ‘Heavens declare the Glory of the Divine’ with the coming of the Hosts and we are using the Language of Light to call upon the Lords of Light and the powers of the Divine.


Flexibindung Qualitätsdruck, 160 Seiten

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Gewicht: 0.45 Kg
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30.00 €
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